Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The Lymphatic system is our front line of defence in fighting bodily infections, detoxifying the body and transporting metabolic wastes, excess water, bacteria and toxins out of the body.

The Lymph glands (at neck, armpits, groin, etc.) are connected by a broad network of vessels which transplant the fluid. Muscular movement is required to move it, as there is no "Heart" to pump it.

Lymphatic massage is a gentle whole body treatment that relaxes the nervous system and aids the body's immune system. It is highly recommended for those prone to and recovering from sore throats, colds, infections, on-going tiredness, excess fluids, low immunity, swollen node and also for the physically inactive. This Massage is designed to stimulate the circulation of lymph to speed up the removal of wastes from all over the body.

Lymphatic Massage - What can it be used for?
Lymphatic massage has been used for years to enhance the quality of the skin.
  • Lymphatic massage aids the increase of lymph flow. When the lymph is flowing as it should, cells are bathed in fresh fluid making the skin look fresh and alive.
  • Lymphatic massage is also useful for people with sports injuries.
  • When applied after neuromuscular massage, lymphatic massage helps to clear the tissue of debris and reduce the minor edema that can occur after deep tissue massage.
  • Repeated lymphatic massage whilst healing from a sports injury can help to enhance the tissue regeneration process by keeping the tissue as healthy as possible.
  • Increased lymph flow draws away toxins improving the health of the tissues.

Lymphatic Massage - Is it Safe?

For the most part lymphatic massage is safe. However as with all massage therapies there are some contra indications. For lymphatic massage specifically, these include acute inflammation, malignant tumors, thrombosis and major heart problems.
To get the best results from a lymphatic massage, seek out a suitably trained and qualified therapist.
For more information about lymphatic massage, please log on to

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