Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Massage Technique can Relieve Physiological Signs of Stress

Other studies show us that, while massage therapy does improve stress levels in a positive way, it does matter what type of massage the client receives. Diego, (2004) shows us that moderate pressure results in a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in relaxation while light pressure or vibration results in an increase in physiological arousal symptoms. In addition, Cambron, (2006) points out that, while Swedish massage reduces blood pressure significantly, trigger point therapy and deep tissue massage actually increase blood pressure.
In other words, a moderate Swedish Massage is far more relaxing, both medically as well as perceived by the client, than a deep tissue or trigger point therapy massage. Other forms of rigorous massage, stretching and movement are also shown to increase stimulation and therefore blood pressure and physiological responses in the body.
Essentially, studies have shown what most massage therapists already knew: that a moderate pressure Swedish massage can bring about a state of calm, blissful relaxation that lowers blood pressure and reduces stress for most people, making massage an important part of our healthcare regiment in our fast-paced, stressful, modern world.
You can have the tehnique when you join us !

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