Friday, February 25, 2011

Reflexology – The Way You Can Get You Healthy Back!!

Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and hands utilizing specific thumb, finger and hand techniques without the use of oil, cream or lotion based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands with a premise that such work effects a physical change in the body.
Benefits of Reflexology
Stress reduction-Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep tranquil relaxation, helping the body balance itself and allowing healing energy to flow.
Improve circulation-Blood needs to flow freely throughout the body carrying oxygen and nutrients to all the cells and removing the waste products of metabolism and other toxins. By reducing stress and tension, reflexology allows the cardiovascular vessels to conduct the flow of blood naturally and easily.
Stimulated Nerve Function -By stimulating more than 7,000 nerves in the feet, reflexology encourages the opening and clearing of neural pathways. It interrupts pain pathways, reducing pain.
Improved Immune System-Reflexology stimulates the lymphatic system thus reducing risk of infection. It cleanses the body of toxins and impurities and also stimulates the production of endorphins, leading to an improved immune system and sense of well-being.

Increased Energy-Reflexology revitalizes energy throughout the body by relaxing and opening up energy pathways.
Why You Need to Learn Reflexology?
There are indeed many benefits to learning reflexology.  Most obviously, and maybe even most importantly, it is free to treat yourself.  Reflexologists are very good at what they do, and they are gaining popularity very quickly.  The downside is that reflexologists are expensive, and their services may not be feasible to the average working man or woman.  Taking the time to learn reflexology on your own not only allows you the freedom to treat yourself, but it also allows you to effectively help your entire family without a Harvard medical degree.
A New Business Approach in Reflexology
Reflexologists are becoming more and more common these days. In fact, reflexology is one of the most popular complimentary therapies available today, because it works.
If you choose to learn reflexology from a certified school, you will also be able to start your own business should you choose to do so.  More people than ever are looking into alternative treatment plans.  You could find yourself in a position to help others and earn a lot of money at the same time!!! Call Tim Bodycare now!! Sign up this course. Get 100% money back guarantee!!!
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